How to make
Surely it is the most perfect combination that can exist in the world of pastries, Napoleon and cream cake ... more
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1 sheet of fresh puff pastry
Sugar (to sprinkle on the puff pastry)
powdered sugar
---- Custard cream:
500 ml. milk
30 grs. Corn flour (Maizena®)
100 grs. sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar (optional)
2 eggs (or 3 buds)
First we will start making the custard.
With thermomix: We put in the glass all the ingredients of the cream and programmed 7 minutes at 90ºC at speed 4. We mix everything well for 5 seconds at speed 9 to avoid any possible lumps.
Without thermomix: We mix the cornstarch in half a glass of cold milk. In a bowl we put the eggs and the sugar and mix well until getting it foam. The best thing is to help us with electric rods. We put the rest of the milk in a saucepan to the fire and as soon as it begins to boil we remove of the fire and we add the eggs beaten with the sugar.
Return to the fire and add the glass of milk with cornstarch. At this point it is very important not to stop stirring while we have it on medium heat, until we get the cream thickens. We will know that it is perfect when the cream is homogeneous and without any lumps.
Pour the custard into a bowl or fountain and cover with a foil. It is best that the film touch the cream to prevent it from crusting. Let it cool and then take it to the refrigerator to cool completely.
Now it's the turn of the puff pastry. Preheat the oven to 180ºC. Remove the puff sheet a few minutes before handling. Then we cut it into three equal rectangles. On a tray of oven we put paper sulfurized and on this the three sheets of puff pastry.
With the help of a fork we prick the whole surface of the puff well so that it does not rise in the oven, and sprinkle sugar all over the surface. It is convenient to put a weight on top of the puff to prevent it from rising. You can put a smaller oven tray or as I did, some pyrex type fountains on top of each puff pastry sheet.
Introduce in the oven for 30-35 minutes. When the time arrives we will see that the Napoleon is toasted. Put it on a rack until it cools down completely.
With the cream and the cold Napoleon we began its assembly. Beat the cream again to prevent it from caking and put it in a pastry bag. We can help from a glass (I use the blender) to put the pastry sleeve and that way pour all the cream on it.
Put a base of Napoleon on a platter and on this, we put a layer of custard. Then we put the second plate of Napoleon and put another one of cream. And for last we put the third sheet of Napoleon . All we have left to sprinkle with icing sugar and to enjoy.
Napoleon-Milhojas |